Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hormon estrogen, progesteron dan next amalan saya

Saya ingin meminta maaf terlebih dahulu kerana lambat update disebabkan hal-hal tertentu. Hari ini, saya nak bercerita mengenai hormon-hormon yang bertugas untuk kita bergelar seorang ibu. Hormon-hormon ini wajib kita ambil tahu. Terdapat dua jenis hormon penting bagi wanita iaitu hormon estrogen dan progesteron. Hmmm, mula-mula memang pening bila memikirkan apakah hormon estrogen dan progesteron ni kan?

Hormon estrogen secara ayat mudahnya ialah hormon yang bertindak untuk membesarkan telur ovum. Ovum yang cantik untuk disenyawakan dalam 17mm-21mm. Peningkatan hormon estrogen ni boleh dilihat dari permulaan hari pertama cycle period anda sehinggalah hari ovulasi terjadi. Ovulasi ialah hari dimana telur anda sudah cukup sihat, besar dan matang untuk disenyawakan. Antara kesan kekurangan hormon estrogen ini, ia boleh menyebabkan cycle period kita menjadi panjang dan physical & mental condition kita menjadi lemah.

Petikan dari sumber yang boleh dipercayai:

Role of Estrogen in the Female Body
Estrogen is known as the “chemical messenger” due to its ability to pass messages between cells. Estrogen is fundamental to the formation of female sexual characteristics and reproductive function. It carries out a range of tasks for women and these include:

• Promoting the formation of female sexual characteristics
• Accelerating metabolism
• Helping to regulate the menstrual cycle
• Increasing uterine growth
• Preserving bone density
• Protecting against heart disease
• Preserving skin tension.

As well as physical effects, estrogen has been shown to play a key role in women's mental health. Several recent studies have shown a direct correlation between estrogen levels and mood. Sudden estrogen withdrawal, estrogen fluctuations, or periods of sustained low estrogen levels can all contribute to a poor mood, particularly in menopausal women.

Cara untuk menambahbaikkan hormon estrogen? Terdapat banyak supplement yang dijual di farmasi akan tetapi silalah rujuk kepada gynea masing-masing. Tidak semua yang kita makan itu elok untuk kita dan ada juga certain ubatan yang perlu kawalan dan pemerhatian dari doktor. Untuk pemakanan secara natural, setakat ini, saya rasa makanan yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan hormon estrogen adalah susu kambing, kurma, dan madu. Ramai juga yang saya lihat mengamalkan ketiga-tiga makanan ini untuk mendapat ovum yang besar dan cantik. Hmm, ketiga-tiga pemakanan ini pun kan makanan sunnah, jadi semuanya tentulah bagus untuk kita kan? =D

Hormon progesteron pula hormon yang bertindak untuk mematangkan telur ovum dan ia adalah hormon yang penting untuk penempelan bayi di dalam rahim. Hormon ini akan meningkat dari hari ovulasi sehinggalah hari terakhir cycle period kita. Oleh sebab itu, doktor pakar menekankan balance antara kedua-dua hormon ini sangat penting untuk kita yang ingin bergelar ibu ini. Bila kedua-dua hormon ini balance, ia boleh regulate cycle period bagi yang mempunyai cycle period yang panjang.

What is Progesterone Imbalance?
Progesterone imbalance is an uneven amount of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Optimal female health depends upon a careful balance of progesterone and estrogen. If the two fall out of balance - for example, in the event of a progesterone deficiency - uncomfortable side effects will almost invariably result.

Causes of Progesterone Imbalance
There are different causes of progesterone imbalance, but the most common is menopause, marking the end of menstruation and fertility. Once ovulation ceases permanently, the ovaries begin to produce less progesterone, creating an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in the body.

Progesterone imbalance may also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. A balanced diet and regular exercise are important for maintaining health, particularly during menopause. An unhealthy body is less able to maintain hormonal balance.

Saya suka ketengahkan makanan yang bagus untuk balance kan hormon-hormon ini. Selain natural, kita tak perlu risau isu sesuai untuk tubuh badan etc. Betul tak? Semalam, ada seseorang share informasi mengenai makanan untuk yang ingin meningkatkan lagi tahap hormon progesteron ni =D

Nuts and Seeds

Both nuts and seeds contain certain plant sterols that help promote the production of progesterone in women. Plant sterols are fatty compounds found in raw seeds and nuts that encourage your body to release appropriate amounts of progesterone. The key is to eat the plants and seeds raw to get the most of these beneficial plant sterols. Sprinkle raw sunflower seeds into your oatmeal or add raw walnuts and almonds to your favorite trail mix recipe. Stir raw seeds or nuts into your favorite muffin recipe as another way to increase your intake of plant sterols.


Avocados are an additional source of plant sterols. The plant sterols that avocados contain may be beneficial for the health of your entire reproductive system. Slice an avocado and add it to a turkey sandwich, mash an avocado to make guacamole, or cube part of an avocado and add it to tomato soup.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are a notable source of magnesium, a nutrient crucial for the normal function of your liver. When your liver does not function properly, progesterone production is suppressed. Add leafy green vegetables to your daily diet, and your liver will be more likely to function the way it is supposed to, promoting the proper production and secretion of progesterone. Spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are all nutritious leafy green sources of magnesium.

Foods with Vitamin B-6

Your body relies on a sufficient intake of vitamin B-6 to produce the progesterone you need to menstruate and ovulate on schedule. If you do not have enough B-6 in your diet, your production of progesterone may decrease. Vitamin B-6 can be found in many protein sources, such as beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish. Certain fruits and vegetables also contain small amounts of vitamin B-6. Add bananas, avocados, spinach and tomatoes to help increase your intake of this essential vitamin.

Walaupun begitu, selain makan makanan yang sihat, kita haruslah bersenam untuk kesihatan kita. Kebanyakan doktor akan memberi nasihat supaya bersenam dan menurunkan berat badan untuk mendapat berat badan yang ideal. Penurunan berat badan juga membolehkan kita senang untuk conceive. Ya, memang betul kurus atau gemuk, kalau dah nama rezeki, lekat juga. Tapi cuba kita put aside mind kita bab itu dan fikirlah bahawa pemakanan dan senaman itu untuk kesihatan kita secara menyeluruh juga. Senaman ini kan boleh dari mana-mana sudut, jadi, tak semestinya joging sahaja. Turun naik tangga pun boleh, asalkan keluar peluh. =D

Untuk saya, saya ingin mengamalkan pemakanan yang sihat seperti yang telah saya tulis dan cedok dari website yang boleh dipercayai selain menggunakan kaedah BBT (akan saya kupaskan entry akan datang). Saya pernah ambil supplement multivitamin for women tapi saya fikir adalah lebih baik saya cuba makan makanan yang dah sedia ada dan fresh! Hehehe.. List sudah ada, tunggu hari esok untuk borong di pasar~ Hooo yeahhhhh!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Allahu Akbar

Allah swt has created everything perfectly, in order and it is our duty to take care precious gifts. Allah has gifted women with good womb and every single details. Alhamdulillah, this morning I have a fertility massage from one of the popular midwife in Kedah. She is so popular not only in Malaysia but also Singapore and Brunei. Subhanallah, Allah has gifted her with talent to help people who are  in TTC and people who are suffer from disease. When I am have been massaged by Makcik, she told me that I can deliver normal and if my babies is big (more than 3kg), I had to undergo cesar. Makcik told me if I need to undergo cesar, I can only have three children. I told Makcik, "Alhamdulillah, never mind Makcik,I am happy even though I can get three only  =)".

Then, Makcik told me my womb's condition. Makcik advise me to repeat massage with her several times after this because my womb are not strong enough, a bit low and there is something need to check again. I can easily have miscarriage =( . If I get pregnant, I can't travel far, me & husb need to rest from bd until my baby is strong enough in my womb. Makcik told me, I can't do heavy works, stress, fall, excessive exercise and need good rest (extra careful). Once doctor confirm my pregnancy, it is better for me to undergo a massage to avoid my baby from miscarriage.  Then I asked Makcik if there any food I should avoid. Makcik said I can eat anything I loved. Hehe, that is a relief! Makcik told once I get pregnant, then, she will telling me good foods and bad foods. She will try her best for me until I can get pregnant and insyaAllah, with His will, I will pregnant one day. So, Makcik keep remind me again I need to come see her after this and it is a great time to see her while I'm a housewife. InsyaAllah Makcik, I will come again =D

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Dear Allah, please give us a better health, give me a great womb and give husband great fertile so we can have children. Only You can help us. Aminnn"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Welcome, Mom & Daddy To Be

Welcome and Assalamualaikum


I would like to introduce you my new blog, yeay!
This blog is all about trying to conceive (pregnancy) and yes, my own journey in TTC. 
I hope this blog will be a great information not only for me but for all TTCians.
InsyaAllah, I will try my best keep updating this blog every day.
And with Allah's will, there will be a little caliph in my womb and yours too.
Allahu Akbar, believe in Allah!

"Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of Allah"

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ,
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors 
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer